Jayawant Institute of Pharmacy, Tathawade, Pune.

S.No.82/2,Pune-Mumbai Bypass Highway, JSPM Campus, Tathawade,Pune-411 033
Approved By AICTE & PCI

Guidance and Counseling

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Guidance and Counseling

The Jayawant Institute of Pharmacy is expected to provide more than just teaching and instruction. Institute guidance programme includes all those activities other than instructional which are carried out to render assistance to students in their educational, professional, personal development and adjustment.
For a batch of students, a teacher is assigned the role of Guardian Faculty Member. Teacher Guardian works as a friend, philosopher and guide for these students. He keeps the track of every student's day-to-day activities and records daily attendance, test results, internal assessment, prelim examination results and other related information of students in the specially designed teacher guardian book. He encourages the students to participate in co -curricular & extracurricular activities He gives academic feedback to the parents/guardians regularly. He also counsels the students to solve difficulties encountered not only in college campus but in their personal lives too. Guardian Faculty Member acts as a mentor to students and offers them emotional and academic support along with motivation. Guidance services can assist the students in knowing themselves-their potentialities and limitations, making appropriate choices in educational, professional and other fields.


The student life is getting complex day by day. Students in the twenty-first century have facing many perplex and difficult situations i.e. to make wise curricular and other curricular choices, to acquire basic study skills for optimum achievement, adjustment with peers etc. In its beginning guidance was concentrated on problems relating to study. It was largely concerned with getting jobs for young people. Now guidance has gone for beyond this. It is now concerned with the entire individual in all aspects. The following are some of the important areas of guidance.

Personal Guidance:

Students face many personal problems related to themselves, their parents and family, friends and teachers, etc. They often have memories related to home or family which creates feeling of disappointment in them. If their parents are expecting too much of them it leaves them with a feeling of incompetence and insecurity leading poor self-concept and
During the adolescent stage students due to peculiar physical, emotional and social developments undergo noticeable changes in their attitude and behaviour.
Personal guidance at this stage should therefore focus on personal and social adjustment. Personal guidance at the tertiary stage aims at helping them view life in relation to reality.

Educational Guidance:

If one closely examines the problems of young students in colleges, one would exactly realize the need of educational guidance.
Educational guidance is related to every aspect of education colleges, the curriculum, the methods of instruction, other curricular activities, disciplines etc.

Career Guidance:

Career guidance refers to services and activities which assist individuals, of any age and at any point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and occupational choices and to manage their careers.
It includes career information provision ICT-based and other forms of assessment and self-assessment tools, counseling interviews, career education programmes.
Guidance workers often encounter individuals having very little idea about the skills which they have and the career related to the skill.
Sometimes, sufficient time devoted to the early stages of an interview, finding out about the individual. There are many approaches to career guidance as Computer-aided guidance. Others are facial expression, especially glints in the eyes, can be used to know levels of interest in particular types of work. Often, the client will be interested in more than one. Individual judgment is required to look at likely interactions between traits, and selecting the appropriate one.